Food/Drink - Page 6

Chattanooga Whiskey Makers decide to keep operations in Indiana


After the historic passing of Bills of 102 and 129 in the Tennessee House and Senate respectively, Chattanooga Whiskey co-founders Joe Ledbetter and Tim Piersent announced they have decided to keep distillery operations in Indiana.

“It’s really due to a variety of reasons” Ledbetter said, “plus, can you imagine the pain in the ass moving a distillery would be?”

The bill passed the Tennessee House and Senate with wide margins, which currently awaits Governor Haslam’s signature.

Distilleries have been illegal in the Chattanooga area due to laws dating back the prohibition era. Many months of debating within Tennessee lawmakers proved to be an emotional rollercoaster for the Whiskey duo. “It was quite the ride! Too bad it really was for nothing,” Piersant laughed.


Photo courtesy of Chattanooga Times Free Press

“Ever since we started this Chattanooga thing, we decided to grow out some facial hair,” Ledbetter grumbled, “it is going to feel great to finally be able to rid our faces of this shit.”

With Chattanooga recently overthrowing Austin, TX as the number one hipster city in the states, Ledbetter saw this as a deterrent. “We all know that hipsters tend to gravitate to the High Lifes and the PBRs. Our high quality product just couldn’t compete with the lower price, and lower taste option,” Ledbetter cried.

When asked about the 30,000 square-foot building the pair were planning to occupy, Piersant replied, “Fuck it! Let it develop into some more expensive apartments or a Red Lobster.”

D-Dawg’s Guide to Chattown: Foodtrucks



photo taken from

So apparently the new “big thing” in C-town is “trucks” that have food in them. First of all, when I think of trucks, I think of Ford 150’s.  These are more like moving vans that have windows chainsawed into em. It would be pretty badass to have some dude slingin’ burgers in the back of a F150. That dude would most def get some of my hard earned ca$h

When coming in contact with these food trucks, ya notice one thing is missing. Where the fuck is the Taco Bell food truck? Come on C-town, ya gotta support the TB. I get it that supporting local business is good for the economy and yadda yadda (Seinfeld), but da masters of the fourth meal gotta represent.

While me and some bros were shootin some a-noon pool late last week at the CBC, we noticed out the window dat a circle of food trucks were up in this bitch. That kinda sucks that this place could have made a great place for sum more parking. Easier access to local faves like da Taco Mac or the R&B to catch a Dave cover band is severely needed. I hope the new mayor fixes this shit ASAP.

In closing, food trucks are a good place to grab a quick bite if you want to eat food out of a fucking truck. It’s gonna be hot up in that bitch, so you’ll probably taste some sweat.


D-Dawg’s Guide to Chattown: Chili’s


When hitting up the hottest Chattanooga nightspots, ya gotta go where shit is the tightest. My name is Desmond “D-Dawg” Cooper, and I’m a UTC frat guy and “go-to” brah when suggesting the best places to hit up after hours in the down-t. I’ve found one of the best places to truly capture the atmosphere of the C-town is the Chili’s on Market Street.

Chili’s is located within reasonable drunken stumbling distance of the frat house, which makes it a great place to get your drink on, while saving dad’s money rather than catchin’ a cab. It sits in a prime location that is adjacent to another local favorite, the Applebee’s, and the Hairy Dog.

Upon entry, you’re greeter by either some hawt babe with big ol T’s, or some skinny brah that I could easily beat up. I mean this guy is a pipsqueek and probably isn’t even man enough to pledge. One-on-one with me on the beer pong and this dude would go crying back to his mamma.

The best time to visit Chili’s is during game time. The Bud-L and Miller-L is usually damn cheap, and you can get torn up in no time. With so many flat tv’s up in this bitch, you will never miss a play when it is game time. The mild wings are definitely a fav for my frat bros and I. If you’re looking to make the evening more enjoyable, shots can be obtained on the cheap. Obtaining said shots from a hot bar tender makes the experience even better.



Photo courtesy of

I believe the Chili’s has the best of what Chattanooga has to offer: local flare, beer, shots, wings, and sports. If you and your bros ever decide to hit up the Chattown Chili’s, let em that D-Dawg sent you.

Sofa King Juicy Burger inspires other edgy restaurants

Sofa King Juicy Burger logo
Sofa King Juicy Burger logo
The new restaurant Sofa King Juicy Burger in Red Bank, which officially opened its doors on March 12, has already garnered national attention from media outlets such as the Huffington Post for its name which contains a hidden expletive. Seemingly inspired by this idea, other Chattanooga restauranteurs have announced upcoming eateries that also feature edgy, memorable names.
  • Crêpe Fantasy Crêperie – In a television commercial for the Frazier Avenue crêperie called Crêpe Fantasy, a perky waitress asks a customer, “Are you ready to be crêped in the mouth?  You just look like you’re asking for it!” as she brings him a plate full of strawberry-covered crêpes, dusted with powdered sugar.  Rubbing his palms together in anticipation, the customer enthusiastically says, “Crêpe me!”  Crêpe Fantasy will offer a variety of both sweet and savory crêpes, including its own house specialty which features a special filling made from imported Bejjou and Gousbi dates, called the “Date Crêpe.”
  • Special Kneads Bakery – With a staff entirely composed of people with developmental and physical disabilities and disorders such as Tourette Syndrome, this Bluff View Art District bakery and coffee shop will offer artisanal bread, pastries and fresh-roasted coffee with colorful names such as “Shortbus Shortbread,” “Pineapple Upside-Down Syndrome Cake” and “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte FICK! FICK! FICK! FICK!”
  • Burritos So Good You’ll Literally Shit Yourself – Vincent Sackster, founder and owner of Burritos So Good You’ll Literally Shit Yourself, is quick to point out that the Mexican food prepared at his restaurant uses freshly prepared ingredients (locally grown, whenever possible) but does not actually contain any laxatives.  “When people bite into my burritos, they will be so overwhelmed by the vibrant scents and flavors that they might possibly lose all control of their bodily functions,” commented Sackster.  The Main Street restaurant’s appearance is unique, with individual seats that resemble commodes and rolls of paper napkins mounted on the wall, as if they were toilet tissue.
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